Cashing Out Without Crashing: How to Handle Your Money After Selling a Business

Photo of Lake Austin
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How to Handle Your Money After Selling a Business

You’ve just sold your business, and suddenly you’re looking at a bank account that’s much larger than before. It’s a thrilling moment, selling a business is like the first time you hear live music spilling out from the bars on Sixth Street. But it’s also a moment filled with questions. What should you do with this newfound wealth? How can you manage it wisely? This guide aims to answer those questions, offering you a roadmap for the financial journey that lies ahead. We’ll cover everything from the emotional rollercoaster of selling a business to the nuts and bolts of investment and tax planning.

The Ups and Downs of Selling a Business

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The Highs and Lows

Selling a business is an emotional whirlwind. One moment, you’re on cloud nine, thrilled about the sale and the financial freedom it brings. It’s like the feeling you get when you find the perfect food truck taco — pure joy. But the next moment, you might feel a sense of loss or even fear. Your business, which has been a huge part of your life, is now in someone else’s hands. Plus, you now have a large sum of money to manage, which brings its own set of challenges and responsibilities. It’s a lot to take in, and it’s completely normal to feel a wide range of emotions during this time.

Finding Your Way

After the emotional ups and downs, it’s time to focus on what comes next. This is the stage where you start to think about your financial future. It’s like the moment when you decide to leave the hustle and bustle of downtown Austin for the serene trails of Barton Creek Greenbelt. You need a moment of clarity to plan your next steps. Maybe you’re thinking about retirement, or perhaps you’re considering another business venture. Whatever your plans, this is the time to lay the groundwork for your financial future. You’ll need to think about investment strategies, tax planning, and maybe even estate planning.

Why You Need a Money Advisor

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Why It’s Important

Having a financial advisor is like having a seasoned tour guide while you’re exploring a new city. They can point out the sights you should see and the pitfalls you should avoid. In the same way, a financial advisor can guide you through the complex world of wealth management. They can help you understand your investment options, make smart tax choices, and even plan for your estate. In short, they can help you make the most of your newfound wealth, ensuring that you’re not just rich, but also financially secure.

Picking the Right Person

Choosing a financial advisor is a crucial decision, much like choosing a home in Austin’s diverse neighborhoods. You want a place — and a person — that fits your lifestyle and your financial goals. When looking for an advisor, start by checking their credentials. Look for certifications like Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). These titles are a good sign that the advisor has the training and expertise to manage your wealth. But don’t stop there. Ask for client reviews or testimonials. Talk to friends or family members who have used a financial advisor. Get as much information as you can to make an informed decision.

Trust Your Gut When Selling a Business

Your relationship with your financial advisor is a long-term one, so it’s important to choose someone you’re comfortable with. Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right during your initial meetings, don’t ignore that feeling. Just like you wouldn’t keep going to a coffee shop where the vibe was off, you shouldn’t work with an advisor who doesn’t make you feel comfortable and secure. Take your time, do your research, and trust your gut. Your financial future depends on it.

Taxes: What You Need to Know

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Taxes Are Coming

With great wealth comes great responsibility, and that includes taxes. The more money you have, the more complicated your tax situation can become. It’s like planning a big event in Austin; the more people you invite, the more details you have to manage. You’ll need to think about income taxes, capital gains taxes, and possibly even estate taxes. It’s a lot to handle, and the rules can be confusing. That’s why it’s crucial to consult with a tax professional. They can help you understand your tax liabilities and come up with strategies to minimize them.

Smart Tax Choices

There are several ways to manage your tax burden effectively. Charitable giving, for example, is not just a way to give back to your community; it’s also a way to reduce your taxable income. Similarly, certain investments are more tax-efficient than others. Tax-free municipal bonds, for example, can be a good choice for high-income individuals. The key is to have a diversified tax strategy, much like you’d have a diversified music playlist for a road trip through the Texas Hill Country. A mix of different approaches can help you achieve the best possible tax outcome.

How to Invest Your Money

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Mix It Up

The key to growing your wealth is to diversify your investments. That means not putting all your money in one place. It’s like going to a music festival in Austin; you wouldn’t spend the whole day at just one stage, right? In the same way, you should spread your money across different types of investments — stocks, bonds, real estate, and so on. This approach helps you balance risk and reward.

Know Your Risk Level

Before you start investing, it’s important to understand how much risk you’re comfortable taking. Some investments, like stocks, offer high returns but come with high risk. Others, like bonds, are more stable but offer lower returns. It’s like choosing between a wild night out in downtown Austin and a quiet evening at a cozy café; both have their merits, but the best choice depends on your mood and comfort level. Talk to your financial advisor about your risk tolerance to ensure that your investment strategy aligns with your financial goals and comfort level.

Planning for the Future

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Why It’s Important When Selling a Business

Planning for the future is about more than just investing wisely; it’s also about ensuring that your wealth is distributed according to your wishes after you’re gone. It’s a topic many people avoid, but it’s crucial for peace of mind. Just like you wouldn’t leave for a road trip without a map, you shouldn’t navigate your financial future without a solid plan. This is where estate planning comes into play.

What to Think About

When it comes to estate planning, there are several key elements to consider. A will is the most basic, outlining how your assets should be distributed after your death. But you might also consider setting up a trust, which offers more control over how your assets are used. For example, you could set up an educational trust for your grandchildren, ensuring that the money is used for their college expenses. It’s a way to leave a lasting legacy, much like planting a tree in one of Austin’s beautiful parks.


Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

You’ve navigated the complex process of selling a business, and now you’re faced with the equally complex task of managing your newfound wealth. But with the right planning and advice, it’s a task you’re more than capable of handling. Whether you’re investing in the stock market, reducing your tax burden, or planning for the future, the key is to be informed and to seek out expert advice when needed. It’s how you turn a daunting challenge into a manageable task, and it’s how you ensure that your wealth serves you well for years to come.

This article is brought to you by the wizard behind the scenes with 23 years of experience, Dan Dillard. Of course with his workshop of helpers including some handy hi-tech sourcing.

If you’re finding it challenging to stay on top of all the changes, connect with our financial planning professionals byscheduling a no-obligation call. At NEST Financial, we can help make crypto not quite so cryptic.

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DISCLAIMER: We are legally obligated to remind you that the information and opinions shared in this article are for educational purposes only. These are not financial planning or investment advice. For guidance about your unique goals, drop us a line at